At this point QuickRecords is in Beta status and only one setup is available (the one I'm using while developing this application). If you have a particular application for QuickRecord in mind and the current setup doesn't fit your need you could probably drop me an email describing your intended use for it and I'll try to create one for you but I'm limited with the the column types QuickRecords currently have right now. A tutorial to create the setup(initial database structure and content) will follow soon and even farther down the road is a seperate wizard-like application to initially setup QuickRecords(which is planned to be part of the programs instillation).
For now you could probably look at the contents of qr_perspective, qr_tables, qr_columns and qr_perspectivecolumns and see if you could figure it out yourself. To those who have figured out how the setup QuickRecords by populating the tables mentioned, I hope you share your setup with us. thanks. :)
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How To Install:
Since this is still a Beta version, installation is not a point-and-click process and some knowledge about mysql (and compiling?) is needed.
To those who got the source you will need to have libmysql and libmysql++ libraries. If you have succesfully compiled and run the program from another OS please report to me your success. Thank you.
Tips on how to use:
I'm planning to write a manual for QuickRecords but I have to iron out my code first. I made this program as user-friendly as possible so hopefully anyone can use it right away. Here are a few tips for using QuickRecord
Since this project connect directly to the database and does not notifiy real time changes to the data it might not be advisable for mutli-user application.
I would like to thank the following opensource projects, communities and individuals that have made this project possible.
For questions you can contact me at owald@yahoo.com
QuickRecords is a project I've been spending my time on while trying to learn GUI programming. My first attempt with windows programming was with Visual Basic. VB was such a fun programming language to learn. The learning curve is not that steep, and with extensions like ADO, making database application was easy. I didn't get far with VB though and I quickly moved to C# but I really got as far as reading online tutorials and following them step-by-step. That was ok for me since I was able to get my feet wet with windows and object oriented programming. What I really want was a multi-platform widget framework so I started looking at Qt but before I get far I stumbled upon wxWidgets. Added to that, I also stumbled upon wxDev-Cpp which made learning wxWidget fun and easy.
QuickRecords is actually a sub project to a POS(Point of Sale) system I was planning to create. It was initially planned to be a backend admin software to orginize items that will show up in the POS interface but I think QuickRecords is usefull by itself to be a project of its own. This was designed from the start to be as flexible as possible to accomodate most of user's situation and application.
The reason for such interest with POS system was because I previously worked for an IT company that provide whole software package (POS interface, web-based backoffice administration, sales report module, marketing reports, etc.. ) to run a fastfood chain. I was a database admin/developer that time but I was involved with most of the operation. The only operation I was not involved with was the development of the windows POS interface because I didn't know windows programming that time. Learning windows programming, specifically wxWidget, plus enhancing my PHP skills (particularly object oriented PHP programming with PHP5) and database skills (specially with the upcomming mysql v.5) I could hopefully write a multi-platform POS system of my own.
First of all, Data Perspective is the phrase I use to describe viewing data at different points-of-view. If there is an existing terminology that is more proper for this concept please inform me but I will still continue to use the term.
I encourage developers to look into my code and comment on it. I will take it constructively and please don't be too harsh :) since this is the first big project I made while trying to learn C++, wxWidgets and object oriented programming at the same time. I'm sure you will find a lot of things to comment about my code. There are things I'm aware of right now and here are some of them:
if you found anything else please tell me so I can improve on my programming.
Things that may be of interest to other developers:
Tutorial on how to populate QuickRecords system tables to configure it depending on your application
To developers that have figured out how to populate QuickRecord tables, I hope you will share your setup with us so other can benefit from the settings you have made. thanks.
Tutorial on how I compiled MySQL++
This is a tutorial on how to compile MySQL++ since most of the reply I found in wxforum involves only Visual Studio. There as no mention of using wxDev-Cpp (or simply Dev-Cpp) and most pointed out downloading the free compiler from Microsoft website and build the MySQL++ library from there. This was a test that I made and was supprised that it worked.
Tutorial on how to create a libmySQL.a library file from libmysql.dll
I'm not sure if this will be usefull to experienced C/C++ programmer (this might be common knowledge for them) but from my own experience I had a hard time creating wxWidget application that connect to the latest mysql version because it keeps complaining that that the mysql library I was using (from MySQL.Devpack) is an old version. I look around the web for solution and found very little answer then I stumbled upon a website that taught me how.
Tutorial on how to create a libmySQL.a library file from libmysql.dll
Tutorial on how to compile a libmySQL.a from source using Dev-CppTODO: (still figuring this out. right now I'm trying to learn about make files :) )